Conveniently located on the lower level of the University Center, the UCen Post Office offers the products and services of the United States Postal Service ONLY. Other package carriers, such as FedEx, UPS, and On-Trac, provide direct service to UCSB Campus residence halls.
There are no FedEx or UPS services at the UCen Post Office.
If you have questions about a delivery or service provided by another carrier, please contact them directly
with your Tracking number. FedEx: (800) 463-3339 UPS: (800) 742-5877 DHL: (800) 225 5345 On-Trac: (800) 334-5000 Golden State (GSO): (800) 322-5555
UCen Post Office: Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm. Closed Holidays
PO Box Access: Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm. Closed Holidays
Santa Catalina Package Room: Monday to Friday 4:00pm to 8:00pm. Closed Holidays and summer. North Tower, Rm #1435
What's My Address
Need to find out what address to use, citing your residence hall, package carrier and correct zip code? Go to our easy to use app, "What's My Address"?
General Information
Zip Codes Matter!
The UCen Post Office Zip Code is 93107. Please use this for mail coming to a UCen PO box.
Incoming packages to residence halls from other carriers are delivered directly and must use zip code 93106.
Incoming packages to Santa Catalina, San Joaquin, or Sierra Madre, from carriers other than the USPS,
must use zip code 93117
UCen Post Office
(805) 893-8253
Instagram: ucsbpostoffice
Twitter: @UCenPostOffice
Santa Catalina Package Room
Instagram: sancatpostoffice
Twitter: @SanCatPackageRm
US Mail Drop Box Locations on Campus
UCen Post Office: Pick-up time 3:15pm, weekdays only
Coral Tree Café: Pick-up time 3:00pm, weekdays only
Front of MRL Bldg: Pick-up time 3:00pm, weekdays only
DSL Building (at walk ramp): Pick-up time 3:00pm, weekdays only
Local Post Office Locations
US Postal Service, 400 Storke Rd, Goleta, CA 93117, Phone: (805) 961-0782
US Postal Service, 130 Patterson Ave. Goleta, CA 93111, Phone: (805) 692-5642
Address Your Packages Correctly
First Name, Last Name
Anacapa Hall, Room Number
PO Number
Santa Barbara, CA 93107
- Mail is usually sorted by 12pm, packages delivered on that day can be picked up after this time.
- There is no mail delivery on weekends.
- Any packages that show a Saturday or Sunday delivery will most likely arrive at the Ucen Post Office on Monday (excluding holidays). To assist with easier and faster package pick-up, please download the Outlook app to your mobile device to use umail.
- You can only pick up packages for yourself, not for your roommates.
- Students should use their preferred name as it appears on GOLD. (No nick names, pet names, etc.).
- Students are allowed 5 misaddressed packages ( e.g. a package with no P.O. Box #), after which all packages are returned to the sender without notice.
- All students should have their own key to their own post office box, we will not check their boxes throughout the year.
- All Residence Hall residents receive mail sent through US Postal Service (USPS) at the Post Office in the University Center (UCen). For packages sent through USPS, an email will be sent to the students umail account notifying them to pick up the package at the UCen Post Office counter. PLEASE NOTE: for students living in Santa Catalina, Sierra Madre and San Joaquin, please take your mobile device to the Package Pick-Up Room, #1435, in Santa Catalina’s North Tower to retrieve your package. The Package Pick-Up Room is open Monday-Friday, 4:00pm-8:00pm. The UCen Post Office has implemented this in order to avoid students having to transport potentially large packages from the UCen to Santa Catalina, Sierra Madre or San Joaquin.
- Companies such as Amazon do not specify if they will be using the US postal service or a private carrier such as UPS. Therefore, it is important to include both the box number and the Residence Hall & Room Number on all correspondence. Also, Amazon has a pick up location in Isla Vista: Amazon@IslaVista.
- Mailboxes are shared by 2 or more persons, usually (but not always) with roommates.
- Please note: if you receive an email from the sender that your package has been scanned in at the local Post Office, it's possible it may be at the Goleta Post Office and not the UCen Post Office. You will have to wait for it to be delivered to the UCen Post Office and for staff to send a separate email. Thank you for your patience.
Address Your Packages Correctly
First Name, Last Name
Manzanita Village Hall, Room Number
PO Number
Santa Barbara, CA 93107
- Mail is usually sorted by 12pm, packages delivered on that day can be picked up after this time.
- There is no mail delivery on weekends.
- Any packages that show a Saturday or Sunday delivery will most likely arrive at the Ucen Post Office on Monday (excluding holidays). To assist with easier and faster package pick-up, please download the Outlook app to your mobile device to use umail.
- You can only pick up packages for yourself, not for your roommates.
- Students should use their preferred name as it appears on GOLD. (No nick names, pet names, etc.).
- Students are allowed 5 misaddressed packages ( e.g. a package with no P.O. Box #), after which all packages are returned to the sender without notice.
- All students should have their own key to their own post office box, we will not check their boxes throughout the year.
- All Residence Hall residents receive mail sent through US Postal Service (USPS) at the Post Office in the University Center (UCen). For packages sent through USPS, an email will be sent to the students umail account notifying them to pick up the package at the UCen Post Office counter. PLEASE NOTE: for students living in Santa Catalina, Sierra Madre and San Joaquin, please take your mobile device to the Package Pick-Up Room, #1435, in Santa Catalina’s North Tower to retrieve your package. The Package Pick-Up Room is open Monday-Friday, 4:00pm-8:00pm. The UCen Post Office has implemented this in order to avoid students having to transport potentially large packages from the UCen to Santa Catalina, Sierra Madre or San Joaquin.
- Companies such as Amazon do not specify if they will be using the US postal service or a private carrier such as UPS. Therefore, it is important to include both the box number and the Residence Hall & Room Number on all correspondence. Also, Amazon has a pick up location in Isla Vista: Amazon@IslaVista.
- Mailboxes are shared by 2 or more persons, usually (but not always) with roommates.
- Please note: if you receive an email from the sender that your package has been scanned in at the local Post Office, it's possible it may be at the Goleta Post Office and not the UCen Post Office. You will have to wait for it to be delivered to the UCen Post Office and for staff to send a separate email. Thank you for your patience.
Address Your Packages Correctly
First Name, Last Name
San Joaquin Hall, Room Number
PO Number
Santa Barbara, CA 93107
- Mail is usually sorted by 12pm, packages delivered on that day can be picked up after this time.
- There is no mail delivery on weekends.
- Any packages that show a Saturday or Sunday delivery will most likely arrive at the Ucen Post Office on Monday (excluding holidays). To assist with easier and faster package pick-up, please download the Outlook app to your mobile device to use umail.
- You can only pick up packages for yourself, not for your roommates.
- Students should use their preferred name as it appears on GOLD. (No nick names, pet names, etc.).
- Students are allowed 5 misaddressed packages ( e.g. a package with no P.O. Box #), after which all packages are returned to the sender without notice.
- All students should have their own key to their own post office box, we will not check their boxes throughout the year.
- All Residence Hall residents receive mail sent through US Postal Service (USPS) at the Post Office in the University Center (UCen). For packages sent through USPS, an email will be sent to the students umail account notifying them to pick up the package at the UCen Post Office counter. PLEASE NOTE: for students living in Santa Catalina, Sierra Madre and San Joaquin, please take your mobile device to the Package Pick-Up Room, #1435, in Santa Catalina’s North Tower to retrieve your package. The Package Pick-Up Room is open Monday-Friday, 4:00pm-8:00pm. The UCen Post Office has implemented this in order to avoid students having to transport potentially large packages from the UCen to Santa Catalina, Sierra Madre or San Joaquin.
- Companies such as Amazon do not specify if they will be using the US postal service or a private carrier such as UPS. Therefore, it is important to include both the box number and the Residence Hall & Room Number on all correspondence. Also, Amazon has a pick up location in Isla Vista: Amazon@IslaVista.
- Mailboxes are shared by 2 or more persons, usually (but not always) with roommates.
- Please note: if you receive an email from the sender that your package has been scanned in at the local Post Office, it's possible it may be at the Goleta Post Office and not the UCen Post Office. You will have to wait for it to be delivered to the UCen Post Office and for staff to send a separate email. Thank you for your patience.
Address Your Packages Correctly
First Name, Last Name
San Miguel Hall, Room Number
PO Number
Santa Barbara, CA 93107
- Mail is usually sorted by 12pm, packages delivered on that day can be picked up after this time.
- There is no mail delivery on weekends.
- Any packages that show a Saturday or Sunday delivery will most likely arrive at the Ucen Post Office on Monday (excluding holidays). To assist with easier and faster package pick-up, please download the Outlook app to your mobile device to use umail.
- You can only pick up packages for yourself, not for your roommates.
- Students should use their preferred name as it appears on GOLD. (No nick names, pet names, etc.).
- Students are allowed 5 misaddressed packages ( e.g. a package with no P.O. Box #), after which all packages are returned to the sender without notice.
- All students should have their own key to their own post office box, we will not check their boxes throughout the year.
- All Residence Hall residents receive mail sent through US Postal Service (USPS) at the Post Office in the University Center (UCen). For packages sent through USPS, an email will be sent to the students umail account notifying them to pick up the package at the UCen Post Office counter. PLEASE NOTE: for students living in Santa Catalina, Sierra Madre and San Joaquin, please take your mobile device to the Package Pick-Up Room, #1435, in Santa Catalina’s North Tower to retrieve your package. The Package Pick-Up Room is open Monday-Friday, 4:00pm-8:00pm. The UCen Post Office has implemented this in order to avoid students having to transport potentially large packages from the UCen to Santa Catalina, Sierra Madre or San Joaquin.
- Companies such as Amazon do not specify if they will be using the US postal service or a private carrier such as UPS. Therefore, it is important to include both the box number and the Residence Hall & Room Number on all correspondence. Also, Amazon has a pick up location in Isla Vista: Amazon@IslaVista.
- Mailboxes are shared by 2 or more persons, usually (but not always) with roommates.
- Please note: if you receive an email from the sender that your package has been scanned in at the local Post Office, it's possible it may be at the Goleta Post Office and not the UCen Post Office. You will have to wait for it to be delivered to the UCen Post Office and for staff to send a separate email. Thank you for your patience.
Address Your Packages Correctly
First Name, Last Name
San Nicolas Hall, Room Number
PO Number
Santa Barbara, CA 93107
- Mail is usually sorted by 12pm, packages delivered on that day can be picked up after this time.
- There is no mail delivery on weekends.
- Any packages that show a Saturday or Sunday delivery will most likely arrive at the Ucen Post Office on Monday (excluding holidays). To assist with easier and faster package pick-up, please download the Outlook app to your mobile device to use umail.
- You can only pick up packages for yourself, not for your roommates.
- Students should use their preferred name as it appears on GOLD. (No nick names, pet names, etc.).
- Students are allowed 5 misaddressed packages ( e.g. a package with no P.O. Box #), after which all packages are returned to the sender without notice.
- All students should have their own key to their own post office box, we will not check their boxes throughout the year.
- All Residence Hall residents receive mail sent through US Postal Service (USPS) at the Post Office in the University Center (UCen). For packages sent through USPS, an email will be sent to the students umail account notifying them to pick up the package at the UCen Post Office counter. PLEASE NOTE: for students living in Santa Catalina, Sierra Madre and San Joaquin, please take your mobile device to the Package Pick-Up Room, #1435, in Santa Catalina’s North Tower to retrieve your package. The Package Pick-Up Room is open Monday-Friday, 4:00pm-8:00pm. The UCen Post Office has implemented this in order to avoid students having to transport potentially large packages from the UCen to Santa Catalina, Sierra Madre or San Joaquin.
- Companies such as Amazon do not specify if they will be using the US postal service or a private carrier such as UPS. Therefore, it is important to include both the box number and the Residence Hall & Room Number on all correspondence. Also, Amazon has a pick up location in Isla Vista: Amazon@IslaVista.
- Mailboxes are shared by 2 or more persons, usually (but not always) with roommates.
- Please note: if you receive an email from the sender that your package has been scanned in at the local Post Office, it's possible it may be at the Goleta Post Office and not the UCen Post Office. You will have to wait for it to be delivered to the UCen Post Office and for staff to send a separate email. Thank you for your patience.
Address Your Packages Correctly
First Name, Last Name
San Rafael Hall, Room Number
PO Number
Santa Barbara, CA 93107
- Mail is usually sorted by 12pm, packages delivered on that day can be picked up after this time.
- There is no mail delivery on weekends.
- Any packages that show a Saturday or Sunday delivery will most likely arrive at the Ucen Post Office on Monday (excluding holidays). To assist with easier and faster package pick-up, please download the Outlook app to your mobile device to use umail.
- You can only pick up packages for yourself, not for your roommates.
- Students should use their preferred name as it appears on GOLD. (No nick names, pet names, etc.).
- Students are allowed 5 misaddressed packages ( e.g. a package with no P.O. Box #), after which all packages are returned to the sender without notice.
- All students should have their own key to their own post office box, we will not check their boxes throughout the year.
- All Residence Hall residents receive mail sent through US Postal Service (USPS) at the Post Office in the University Center (UCen). For packages sent through USPS, an email will be sent to the students umail account notifying them to pick up the package at the UCen Post Office counter. PLEASE NOTE: for students living in Santa Catalina, Sierra Madre and San Joaquin, please take your mobile device to the Package Pick-Up Room, #1435, in Santa Catalina’s North Tower to retrieve your package. The Package Pick-Up Room is open Monday-Friday, 4:00pm-8:00pm. The UCen Post Office has implemented this in order to avoid students having to transport potentially large packages from the UCen to Santa Catalina, Sierra Madre or San Joaquin.
- Companies such as Amazon do not specify if they will be using the US postal service or a private carrier such as UPS. Therefore, it is important to include both the box number and the Residence Hall & Room Number on all correspondence. Also, Amazon has a pick up location in Isla Vista: Amazon@IslaVista.
- Mailboxes are shared by 2 or more persons, usually (but not always) with roommates.
- Please note: if you receive an email from the sender that your package has been scanned in at the local Post Office, it's possible it may be at the Goleta Post Office and not the UCen Post Office. You will have to wait for it to be delivered to the UCen Post Office and for staff to send a separate email. Thank you for your patience.
Address Your Packages Correctly
First Name, Last Name
Santa Catalina Hall, Room Number
PO Number
Santa Barbara, CA 93107
- Mail is usually sorted by 12pm, packages delivered on that day can be picked up after this time.
- There is no mail delivery on weekends.
- Any packages that show a Saturday or Sunday delivery will most likely arrive at the Ucen Post Office on Monday (excluding holidays). To assist with easier and faster package pick-up, please download the Outlook app to your mobile device to use umail.
- You can only pick up packages for yourself, not for your roommates.
- Students should use their preferred name as it appears on GOLD. (No nick names, pet names, etc.).
- Students are allowed 5 misaddressed packages ( e.g. a package with no P.O. Box #), after which all packages are returned to the sender without notice.
- All students should have their own key to their own post office box, we will not check their boxes throughout the year.
- All Residence Hall residents receive mail sent through US Postal Service (USPS) at the Post Office in the University Center (UCen). For packages sent through USPS, an email will be sent to the students umail account notifying them to pick up the package at the UCen Post Office counter. PLEASE NOTE: for students living in Santa Catalina, Sierra Madre and San Joaquin, please take your mobile device to the Package Pick-Up Room, #1435, in Santa Catalina’s North Tower to retrieve your package. The Package Pick-Up Room is open Monday-Friday, 4:00pm-8:00pm. The UCen Post Office has implemented this in order to avoid students having to transport potentially large packages from the UCen to Santa Catalina, Sierra Madre or San Joaquin.
- Companies such as Amazon do not specify if they will be using the US postal service or a private carrier such as UPS. Therefore, it is important to include both the box number and the Residence Hall & Room Number on all correspondence. Also, Amazon has a pick up location in Isla Vista: Amazon@IslaVista.
- Mailboxes are shared by 2 or more persons, usually (but not always) with roommates.
- Please note: if you receive an email from the sender that your package has been scanned in at the local Post Office, it's possible it may be at the Goleta Post Office and not the UCen Post Office. You will have to wait for it to be delivered to the UCen Post Office and for staff to send a separate email. Thank you for your patience.
Address Your Packages Correctly
First Name, Last Name
Santa Cruz Hall, Room Number
PO Number
Santa Barbara, CA 93107
- Mail is usually sorted by 12pm, packages delivered on that day can be picked up after this time.
- There is no mail delivery on weekends.
- Any packages that show a Saturday or Sunday delivery will most likely arrive at the Ucen Post Office on Monday (excluding holidays). To assist with easier and faster package pick-up, please download the Outlook app to your mobile device to use umail.
- You can only pick up packages for yourself, not for your roommates.
- Students should use their preferred name as it appears on GOLD. (No nick names, pet names, etc.).
- Students are allowed 5 misaddressed packages ( e.g. a package with no P.O. Box #), after which all packages are returned to the sender without notice.
- All students should have their own key to their own post office box, we will not check their boxes throughout the year.
- All Residence Hall residents receive mail sent through US Postal Service (USPS) at the Post Office in the University Center (UCen). For packages sent through USPS, an email will be sent to the students umail account notifying them to pick up the package at the UCen Post Office counter. PLEASE NOTE: for students living in Santa Catalina, Sierra Madre and San Joaquin, please take your mobile device to the Package Pick-Up Room, #1435, in Santa Catalina’s North Tower to retrieve your package. The Package Pick-Up Room is open Monday-Friday, 4:00pm-8:00pm. The UCen Post Office has implemented this in order to avoid students having to transport potentially large packages from the UCen to Santa Catalina, Sierra Madre or San Joaquin.
- Companies such as Amazon do not specify if they will be using the US postal service or a private carrier such as UPS. Therefore, it is important to include both the box number and the Residence Hall & Room Number on all correspondence. Also, Amazon has a pick up location in Isla Vista: Amazon@IslaVista.
- Mailboxes are shared by 2 or more persons, usually (but not always) with roommates.
- Please note: if you receive an email from the sender that your package has been scanned in at the local Post Office, it's possible it may be at the Goleta Post Office and not the UCen Post Office. You will have to wait for it to be delivered to the UCen Post Office and for staff to send a separate email. Thank you for your patience.
Address Your Packages Correctly
First Name, Last Name
Santa Rosa Hall, Room Number
PO Number
Santa Barbara, CA 93107
- Mail is usually sorted by 12pm, packages delivered on that day can be picked up after this time.
- There is no mail delivery on weekends.
- Any packages that show a Saturday or Sunday delivery will most likely arrive at the Ucen Post Office on Monday (excluding holidays). To assist with easier and faster package pick-up, please download the Outlook app to your mobile device to use umail.
- You can only pick up packages for yourself, not for your roommates.
- Students should use their preferred name as it appears on GOLD. (No nick names, pet names, etc.).
- Students are allowed 5 misaddressed packages ( e.g. a package with no P.O. Box #), after which all packages are returned to the sender without notice.
- All students should have their own key to their own post office box, we will not check their boxes throughout the year.
- All Residence Hall residents receive mail sent through US Postal Service (USPS) at the Post Office in the University Center (UCen). For packages sent through USPS, an email will be sent to the students umail account notifying them to pick up the package at the UCen Post Office counter. PLEASE NOTE: for students living in Santa Catalina, Sierra Madre and San Joaquin, please take your mobile device to the Package Pick-Up Room, #1435, in Santa Catalina’s North Tower to retrieve your package. The Package Pick-Up Room is open Monday-Friday, 4:00pm-8:00pm. The UCen Post Office has implemented this in order to avoid students having to transport potentially large packages from the UCen to Santa Catalina, Sierra Madre or San Joaquin.
- Companies such as Amazon do not specify if they will be using the US postal service or a private carrier such as UPS. Therefore, it is important to include both the box number and the Residence Hall & Room Number on all correspondence. Also, Amazon has a pick up location in Isla Vista: Amazon@IslaVista.
- Mailboxes are shared by 2 or more persons, usually (but not always) with roommates.
- Please note: if you receive an email from the sender that your package has been scanned in at the local Post Office, it's possible it may be at the Goleta Post Office and not the UCen Post Office. You will have to wait for it to be delivered to the UCen Post Office and for staff to send a separate email. Thank you for your patience.
Address Your Packages Correctly
First Name, Last Name
Sierra Madre Village, Room Number
PO Number
Santa Barbara, CA 93107
- Mail is usually sorted by 12pm, packages delivered on that day can be picked up after this time.
- There is no mail delivery on weekends.
- Any packages that show a Saturday or Sunday delivery will most likely arrive at the Ucen Post Office on Monday (excluding holidays). To assist with easier and faster package pick-up, please download the Outlook app to your mobile device to use umail.
- You can only pick up packages for yourself, not for your roommates.
- Students should use their preferred name as it appears on GOLD. (No nick names, pet names, etc.).
- Students are allowed 5 misaddressed packages ( e.g. a package with no P.O. Box #), after which all packages are returned to the sender without notice.
- All students should have their own key to their own post office box, we will not check their boxes throughout the year.
- All Residence Hall residents receive mail sent through US Postal Service (USPS) at the Post Office in the University Center (UCen). For packages sent through USPS, an email will be sent to the students umail account notifying them to pick up the package at the UCen Post Office counter. PLEASE NOTE: for students living in Santa Catalina, Sierra Madre and San Joaquin, please take your mobile device to the Package Pick-Up Room, #1435, in Santa Catalina’s North Tower to retrieve your package. The Package Pick-Up Room is open Monday-Friday, 4:00pm-8:00pm. The UCen Post Office has implemented this in order to avoid students having to transport potentially large packages from the UCen to Santa Catalina, Sierra Madre or San Joaquin.
- Companies such as Amazon do not specify if they will be using the US postal service or a private carrier such as UPS. Therefore, it is important to include both the box number and the Residence Hall & Room Number on all correspondence. Also, Amazon has a pick up location in Isla Vista: Amazon@IslaVista.
- Mailboxes are shared by 2 or more persons, usually (but not always) with roommates.
- Please note: if you receive an email from the sender that your package has been scanned in at the local Post Office, it's possible it may be at the Goleta Post Office and not the UCen Post Office. You will have to wait for it to be delivered to the UCen Post Office and for staff to send a separate email. Thank you for your patience.
