The charge of the University Center governance board is to set policy for the UCen. It shall review and have full authority over the operations and development of the Center with respect to any matters involving policy, including short and long term planning for the financial viability of the UCen. These policies include, but are not limited to: Operations decisions, maintenance, satellite operations, investments, purpose and image, facilities, services, programs, activities, etc. The Board shall be involved in all aspects of the budget process and shall approve the annual UCen budget, business plan and pricing structures. Implementation of policy will be a function of University Center management. The Board shall not be involved in daily management practices nor impair management's ability to implement timely business decisions which are consistent with the fiduciary responsibilities outlined in this charter and reflected in the UCen's budget and business plan. The relationship with, and jurisdiction of the Office of the Chancellor and the designated Vice Chancellor, shall include, but not be limited to, ensuring that sound fiscal policies are adhered to and that the decisions of the board are in compliance with the University's mission, policies and procedures. Decisions of the Board are subject to review and final approval of the chancellor or his/her designate.
Minutes for 2024
January 25
February 15
February 29
March 14
April 11
April 25
May 9
May 23
November 1
November 15
November 25
December 6